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Game Details

Publisher Microsoft
Platform Xbox 360
Genre Sports
Number of Players 4
Online Players 4
Online Enabled Yes
Xbox 360 Kinect is required

Mild Cartoon Violence

Game Description

NOTE: This title requires the Kinect Sensor for gameplay. The Kinect Sensor is not included with rental or purchase of this title.

There is nothing missing in these sports games - except the controller! Get in the game in full-body style with Kinect Sports. Other than being virtual, there is no difference between these games and the real thing. Play soccer, volleyball, and table tennis. Go bowling, boxing, or compete in a variety of track and field events. In each sport, you'll use your body just like you would if you were jumping a hurdle, spiking a ball, kicking a penalty shot, or wielding a table-tennis paddle. Compete any way you want: solo, co-op, head-to-head, or in multiplayer party play where everyone can jump in and jump out.