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Neem Guard Body oil combines active plant extracts in carefully balanced formulation to give you the right product for your skin. Neem guard body oil comprised of 100% natural extracts. It contains Neem, Almond, Sandal, Daruharidra, Manjishtha, Haldi and lodhra.Benefits at a glance.............Lightweight, non-greasy texture. Absorbs quickly. Antioxident-rich. Help softens and hydrates the skin. Helps stimulate, calm, purify and energize. Help restores skins moisture barrier. Firms and lifts. Help promotes circulation. Leaves skin smoother and more toned. Help soothes minor skin irritations, burns and insect bites. Help fights dermal infection like psoriais and eczema. Recommended for prickly heat and sensitive skin. INGREDIENTS: Each 5 ml contains: Kalka materials - Daru haridra (Berberis aristata), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Haldi (Curcuma Longum), Lodhra (ymplocos racemosa), Safed chandan wood (Santalum album), each 10 mg additive - lanoline 0.25 mg, Karpoor (cinnamomum camphora) 5 mg, Butylated Hydroxy anisole 0.001 mg, Neem Oil (azadirachta indicum) 0.5 ml, Sesame oil (sesamum indicum) 0.5 ml, Chinabadam oil (Brassica compestris) 1 ml, Badam Oil (Prunus amygdelus) 0.005 ml, Perfume 0.005 ml, Light liquid parafin q.q. to 5 ml